- ever since you and i broke up, i've wanted to have a normal conversation, just a normal conversation with you. and i just feel like everytime i see you, it just gets like so wierd and chaotic and scrambles, and i can't organize my thoughts and i can't even express the most basic words i want to say to you.
- i know. me too.
- whatever we had when we were together, when we were in love that feeling of just being able to lie in bed for days and not give a fuck about the outside world... is gone. and i feel like there's nothing i can do to ever get it back. do you know how painful that is?
- yeah, yeah i do. i cried for weeks when we broke up.
- you cried for weeks?
- yes. the hardest thing i've ever dealt with in my life.
- how long did you go through that?
- a long time. a long time. i mean, the first month, it was so fucking bad. and then you know, slowly, it gets better.
- that's the difference between you and me. i'm still going through it.
- i've been calling you a dozen times today. i'm terrified. i'm afraid.
- of what? what are you afraid of?
- i'm afraid of falling in love with you again.